Matthew 5:3-8 (NLT)

“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, 

for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. 

God blesses those who mourn, 

for they will be comforted. 

God blesses those who are humble, 

for they will inherit the whole earth. 

God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, 

for they will be satisfied. 

God blesses those who are merciful, 

for they will be shown mercy. 

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, 

for they will see God. 

Now, more than ever, our world needs to see the people of God as ones who live a blessed life.  Not ones blessed by the world’s standards and ideals, but those who live out the blessings of kingdom living and as a result are blessing the world.  We know that God’s ways are diametrically set apart from the world’s ways and as followers of Jesus and His Way our lives are to express His blessings.  We are blessed by living as God’s children and we live blessing others with the blessings we ourselves have received so the world might see Him and be blessed.   Take a minute and read through these verses again, which of these does God’s Spirit seem to focus your attention today?  Focus your prayer time on that verse.  


Father, You are a good Father who blesses His children with your way of living.  Jesus shows me that your ways are true and right and enables me to live demonstrating your truth to the people around me.  Help me to bring the blessing of this verse___________ to life today in the ways I live.  Show me how I need to think and act differently today so your blessing would show up in my day.  I ask that my life would bring you and your son glory today.  Amen